Tuesday, October 27

Layla's Missing Hair Oops

From season 4, episode 18 -

Look at Layla's hair! They forgot to fill it in! At least they fix it later.

Sunday, October 25

Some Oops From Episode 225

Some oops from episode 25 of season 2. In the first picture Flora is missing her polka dots on her left sleeve. In the second picture Tecna's wings are...messed up. In the second and third pictures Stella, Musa, and Flora have their Charmix BEFORE they transform. Layla also has this problem when she screams, but I couldn't get a picture.

Tecna's Eyes Oops

From the first movie -

Yup, Tecna can change her eye color! BEST WINX CHARACTER EVER!

Correct version -

Saturday, October 24

Door and Tracix Bloopers!

I'm not sure if this counts but, on PowerofBelievixx's Winx Season 4, Episode 17 Video which is on this page, a door appears, disappears, and then reappears again! Here is this at 2:27: (I made the arrow.)And this at 2:30:

Odd, right?

And this! Stella with Tecna's Tracix! (I made the text on the top.) Thanks to Roxxiane on youtube for the accidental tipoff! (A comment.)

Thanks! If you have a Blooper, send it to imk1047@gmail.com!

Bloom PNG Bloopers

It looks as if Bloom has a case of "lose-my-gloves-and-crownitis"

Note: PNGs are pictures without backgrounds. These are all official. However, due to my Paint program, the backgrounds have been painted black. Why? Paint is evil and did that.

Friday, October 23

Flora's Shirt: ??

Flora's Transformation Oops

Every time Flora transforms, there's a certain mistake -

Her wings are constantly missing!

Thursday, October 22

Roxy's Shirt Oops!

From Season 4, Episode 6 -

Her shirt's nearly twice as long as it should be and is missing the green bar it should have.

Correct version -

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